22 RTA 0358

Why this is important

RTA analysis shows that emissions from public transit vehicles make up less than 2% of total transportation emissions in the region, therefore, transit plays an instrumental role in advancing sustainability by reducing the need to drive. The Service Boards are committed to exploring clean technology and transitioning all our fleet by 2040 to become a zero-emission regional transit system. Decreasing the environmental footprint of transit and reducing single occupancy vehicle travel is essential in moving toward a more sustainable network and aiding the climate crisis.

22 RTA 1274


Chicago’s transit system is winning competitive grants and advancing critical projects

March 12, 2024

Metra to receive $169.3m grant for zero-emission trainsets

October 17, 2023

CTA, Metra, and Pace Accelerating Efforts to Electrify Fleets

July 31, 2023

Accelerating the transition to a zero-emission regional transit system

April 20, 2023

Input from stakeholder working groups

Stakeholder working groups are urgently pushing for electrification of bus fleets and improved coordination in adoption of green transit technologies. Working groups suggest improving planning efforts to fortify the regional network against climate and other barriers such as infrastructure emergencies and labor shortages. Lastly, working groups recommend established funding or incentive programs to implement green infrastructure near our region’s transit

What we as a region could do with more resources

With more resources and funding, the agencies could transition their fleets quicker and more thoroughly. Additionally, more resources would allow for other energy-efficient updates to be made to transit stations and facilities. With resources, the agencies can improve the resiliency of the systems and buffer the effects of climate change.

Implementation Activities

Shared Activities

The agencies will work together to develop a regional climate action plan that builds upon existing Service Board plans. This includes outlining regional strategies to encourage more people to ride transit, identify opportunities to support climate goals, and reduce the carbon footprint of the transit system.


Lead development of climate action plan described in Shared Activities.

Expand Transit Benefit programs across the region to grow regional transit mode share.


Continue to implement recommendations in Charging Forward electrification plan.

Advance electric bus deployment and charging capacity on the #66 Chicago Avenue route.

Continue electrical load study to determine power requirements and electrical infrastructure needed for charging at bus garages.

Pursue additional funding for planning, design, and implementation of bus facility improvements to support new electrification infrastructure and maintenance.


Procure zero emission train sets of integrated locomotives and powered cards for shorter distance operations.

Procure fully electric switch locomotives.


Complete electric vehicle transition plan.

Continue procurement of electric vehicles for service testing.

Convert Waukegan’s North Division garage to an electrified facility.


Accelerate greenhouse gas planning efforts.

Opportunities for electrification through CMAP-administered funding programs.

Seamless and more affordable
Regional capital program in a new way