22 RTA 0122

Why this is important

The RTA and Service Boards are now advancing the regional capital strategy program to better integrate other regional planning processes, respond to legislative mandates, consider input from stakeholders, and advance disinvestment in communities.



Number of new themes the RTA will use to evaluate capital projects beginning with the 2024-2028 Capital Program

RTA releases semi-annual project management oversight report highlighting more than 100 capital projects

January 3, 2024

Project Management Oversight report highlights more than $7 billion in ongoing transit investments

March 8, 2023

RTA to measure capital projects on equity, climate impacts, and more

February 2, 2023

22 RTA 0600

Input from stakeholder working groups

The stakeholder working groups have pushed for a more regional approach in funding equitable capital improvements that prioritize communities of the greatest need by increasing diverse staff and including those communities in the decision-making process. Working groups also pushed for investing in good repair advancements across the system. Working groups stressed the importance of transparency through the selection and evaluation of projects selected for the capital program.

What we as a region could do with more resources

With more resources, the Service Boards could expand staff resources to improve asset management and evaluation strategies while also continuing to replace and modernize more transit infrastructure across the region.

Implementation Activities

Shared Activities

The agencies will work together to apply the 12 new capital program evaluation measures to the 2023 annual budget process, recommended by the Priority Project working group–including equity, mobility justice, and other measures.


Evaluate the capital program across 12 measures as described in Shared Activities.

Utilize the new capital program dataset and evaluation measures to advance equity projects and identify current gaps in investment.


Advance Red Line extension project through federal New Starts funding process.


Continue to advance equity geography as a priority for investment.


Provide information about 12 capital program evaluation measures starting with the 2024 budget commencement process.


Identify the relationship between transit investment and community reinvestment.

Rethink the region’s Regionally Significant Project evaluation process and connect Economically Disconnected Area parameters with capital program measures used across the agencies.

Zero emission regional transit system
Meet the changing needs of riders