22 RTA 0097

Why this is important

All buses and trains in our region’s transit system are already ADA accessible, but there is still some work to be done to our stations and infrastructure around transit. The RTA and Service Boards are continuing to fund accessibility improvements and create accessible connections to transit.

22 RTA 0982


100 /145

Number of CTA rail stations that are currently fully accessible

185 /242

Number of Metra stations are currently fully accessible

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Explore the strategic plan performance measures dashboards

Explore RTA's Local Planning 2023 Implementation Report

Input from stakeholder working groups

Stakeholder working groups suggest expanding CTA’s All Stations Accessibility Program to a regional accessibility plan with established, dedicated funding and investment sources. Working groups also recommend making paratransit services more accessible for all forms of mobility devices, as well as improving the connecting infrastructure and developments around transit, such as sidewalks and pedestrian crossings.

What we as a region could do with more resources

With more resources, the agencies could advance accessibility improvements more quickly. More state, federal, and regional funding would also help local municipalities invest in improved sidewalks, crosswalks, and other infrastructure near their transit stations.

Implementation Activities

Shared Activities

The agencies are using existing Service Board plans to develop a full regional accessibility improvement plan which identifies funding sources and capital projects with priorities on investment.


Lead development of plan described in Shared Activities.

Continue to monitor accessibility improvement projects through RTA’s Access to Transit and 5310 funding programs.


Commence four additional rail station accessibility improvement projects, following their All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP) strategic plan.


Implement ADA improvement projects at 13 Metra Electric stations.

Create fully accessible infill stations at Peterson/Ridge and Auburn Park.

Develop an overall station accessibility plan for 2023.

Continue train-tracker and elevator replacements across the system.


Improve Dempster Pulse station to be fully accessible.

Construct sidewalk and shelter pads at non-Pulse stops.


Advance ADA transition planning with local municipalities.

Coordinate Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) applications for accessibility improvement projects.

Assist in technical ADA transition plans in Local Technical Assistance (LTA) projects.

Public Transit Safety and Security Summit
Real-time travel information for riders